
"好久不见"在英语中可以翻译为 "Long time no see",这是一种非常常见的问候方式,用于与许久未见的朋友或熟人打招呼。这个短语不仅简单易懂,而且非常亲切自然,适合各种场合使用。


It had been years since we last met, and the phrase “Long time no see” seemed too cliché to express the emotions swirling within me. I stood there, looking at my old friend, trying to find the right words to bridge the gap that time had created between us. The years had changed us both in ways that were both visible and invisible. Lines etched on his face told tales of experiences and struggles, while his eyes still sparkled with the same youthful enthusiasm that had always set him apart.

As we walked down memory lane, reminiscing about our shared past, I realized how much richer life had become for me because of those memories. We laughed over old jokes, recounted stories that had defined our teenage years, and marveled at how life had taken us down different paths yet somehow brought us back together. It was as if time itself had conspired to create this moment, where two souls could reconnect, not just as friends but as partners in the journey of life.

In that brief encounter, I understood that “Long time no see” wasn’t just a greeting; it was a testament to the enduring bond that transcends the passage of time. It’s a reminder that no matter how far apart we may be or how many years may pass, the love and connection we share with others remain unbroken. And so, as we parted ways once again, I held onto the warmth of our reunion, knowing that even though it might be another long stretch before we meet again, the memory of this “Long time no see” would keep us connected.

希望这篇短文能够帮助你更好地理解和运用“Long time no see”。